Happy Birthday to my amazing daughter Isabelle. I can't believe your 3 years old already, its crazy, your in nursery already and to be starting school next year like, whaaaaatttt!!? Three years ago today I had you in my arms (still high off gas and air as well, great stuff). I know cliche but it was literally the best day of my life and I will try to do my very best for you. You have gone through to much already and you just deserve the best in life!! I'm so lucky to have you as my daughter, I really am. Your freakin amazing and you are my best friend, we are the crazy bitches together. Your so loving, sociable, kind, a quick learner, have ore intelligence than mummy and have such a good heart (is that weird to detect at just three years old?)
Today we just had a real lazy day, I kinda filmed a Vlog of it all of her opening her presents which will be coming to a Youtube channel near you soon. But it was just a day of opening dolls (as she had millions) and they really do secure them down in them boxes and putting up a slide (why, kids company's make it so hard with nuts and bolts putting up a slide). My nan came and yeah we just chilled, I know it might sound boring but it was just nice and hectic lol!
Tomorrow we are planning to have a 'bit of a party ' for her, we couldn't do it today as it was just easier for everyone to come on Saturday and its just an excuse to have extra cake ;) Also I am dressing up as Elsa, I have the wig and the dress, hoping I don't look like a transvestite and hoping Isabelle is going to love it. My friend was like is this party for you or Isabelle (obviously for me, duh, big kid and all). So expect more photos tomorrow... ahhhh stress! Now to get some sleep ready for tomorrow, gotta travel in the morning, set everything up, dress up as Elsa, contain a toddler, ahhhhhh bed!!!!
I love you sooooooo much my beautiful princess.
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